
Classes +


Play2Grow Classes

Parent participation baby play class for 0-18 months old.

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Caregiving and Parenting workshops for those caring for children 0-5 years old.
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Getting informed - together.

Classes and Workshops for Parents, Educators + Caregivers

See below for our current list of classes and workshops available for all types of caregivers to young children. As always, content is evidence-based, backed by respectful caregiving approaches, and aimed for those with 0-5 year olds in their care.

Play2Grow Baby Play Class

A parent participation RIE and Montessori inspired play class for babies and toddlers 0-2.

Play2Grow helps new parents transform their way of seeing, being, and supporting your baby through the language of childhood: play. Not only will you learn to use everyday play-time to meet your baby’s developmental needs, this program helps you build a strong, connected, and enduring relationship with your baby – right from the start

Our classes are prepared environments for your baby’s specific age and ability to best match their play needs. The small classes enable our facilitate the flexibility to bring play objects that expand your baby’s curiosity.  In between play, we discuss a parenting hot topic and hold open question times so our parent educator can answer your specific questions on things beyond play. We take great pride that we offer a safe environment to share the delights and challenges of early parenthood.

FALL classes are in session!

Learn more about Play2Grow here on our new Play2Grow site. 

About Us

We are driven to help raise authentic humans. Come find out why.

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Benefits of Play2Grow

Spark Learning

Changes in play objects and environments inspire your baby to explore, discover, inquire, and learn in new ways.

Boosts Development

Builds baby’s confidence and resilience, as well as enhances their physical, spatial, and cognitive awareness.

Confident Parent

Clarity and boost in confidence for parents as they learn to be keen observers and facilitators of baby’s play.

Enhances Attachment

Guided focused-time for parent + child that enhances attachment and emotional connection built during the early years.

Play is the highest form of resesarch, the brain’s favourite way of learning, and child’s path to learn how to learn.

Workshops + Webinars

Level-up your parenting and caregiving game with value-packed, informative, and interactive webinars, workshops, and masterclasses.

See below for a list of upcomign webinars, workshops, and more.



  • Promoting Preschoolers’ Social-Emotional Development | CCRR Options
  • Building a Foundation to Emotional Regulation | Skeena Child Care Resource & Referral
  • Understanding Discipline and Consequences
  • Big Feelings, Little Bodies
  • Securing Attachment
  • Parent as Partners | Heart of the Matter Conference | SOLD OUT
  • Setting Effective Limits
  • Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids
  • Temper Tantrums – Getting Through Them Unruffled | SOLD OUT
  • Place to Thrive: a Montessori’s approach to setting up an environment that teaches
  • Infant Play: The Myths, The Facts, and Why it Matters
  • Fostering Development: Simple Every Day Things to Do to Support Baby’s Growth
  • Building a Foundation to Emotional Regulation | CCRR Options | SOLD OUT
  • No More Time-Outs | CCRR Options Parenting Workshop | SOLD OUT
  • Raising Authentic Humans | Heart of the Matter Conference 2022 | SOLD OUT
  • Supporting Infant-Toddler Play | Early Childhood Educator Session | SOLD OUT
  • Infant Development through Play | South Community Birth Program | on-going
  • Reclaiming Discipline | Alderwood House School |
  • Discipline without Bribes, Threats, or Anger | Nido de Montessori |

To book a workshop, contact us at info@imperfectparent.ca