Free Live Webinar

Raising a

Parents of Babies + Toddlers

Sept 29 @
12pm PST
Free + Live
via Zoom

Intuitive Eating

The path to having a healthy relationship with food is built in the first 3 years of life. How we see food, feel about eating, emotions we attach to food is formed here.

This is a vital time to learn intuitive eating: listening to our own unique cues and choosing to meet those cues without outside pressure. And it starts with you – the parents! Come learn how you can support your baby’s journey to building a healthy relationship with food.

A kid who is a joy to feed.

Parents fear the day they have to bribe or threaten their kid to eat their veggies. Learn all about picky eating and take steps to steer away from this early on to save yourself the headache of reversing it later. Instead, learn why raising intuitive eaters makes feeding your baby or toddler a fun experience for them and you.

Simple, stress-free meal times.

Never have to put up a power struggle when it comes to food, snacks, sweets, and more. Learn simple guides and tips so you can start today – wherever your child is at on this journey to healthy relationship with food.

hello. I’m Monica.

Parenting is hard work.

If you struggle daily, or even moment to moment, I see you. I was you. I am you! Before I found respectful parenting, I remember wanting to be the best parent I can, but even with my background in psychology, parenting was exhausting, confusing and at times triggering. Respectful parenting is the missing link that truly gave me a compass to be the parent I always wanted to be without the losing myself or losing it on my kids. 

I know this approach is the answer you’ve been looking for. Here I’m going to guide you to a rewarding, loving, and deeply bonded relationship with your child.

Parenting can be an anxiety-free and joyful journey.

Come see how.

Save Your Seat Now


Fill out this form to sign up and get your Zoom link to join us LIVE on THURSDAY Sept 29, 12pm PST!

Looking for Individual Help to Get You on Track?

New parents are filled with questions and anxieties about, well, everything. If you feel like you would like individualized guidance to help raise your authentic little human with respect to eating, discipline, caregiver discrepencies, tantrums, shyness, sibling issues, or anything else, send me a message at and let’s help you out.

Imperfect Parent