The Nest

Parenting Made Easy

Ditch the doom-scrolling & guesswork.
feel confident with your parenting.

✔️ access to an expert parenting coach
✔️ hand-held group learning experience
✔️ your specific parenting questions answered
✔️ connect with other parents just like you
✔️ 100% money-back guarantee


Now till January 17, 2025

We have 8 more seats left in the Nest for the current price before we do a significant price increase. The time to take action is NOW.

Inside The Nest

Group parenting Program


We make things make sense. Get the big picture “why”s and understand your role as the parent in supporting your child’s development.


Get immediate questions and challenges addressed by expert parenting coach. Get a tailored road-map to eliminate persisting challenges.


Co-hort based group environment for you to learn with + learn from other like-minded parents.


Access to exclusive material, resources + extras as we update with new research and information.

One-Stop Solution

I need the big picture; make it make sense! We got you.
I need help with this issue, now. We do that.
Got a quick resource on this topic? You bet.


The Nest is your hub to get the clarity, roadmap, and guidance you need to transform your parenting and your child’s childhood.

Yes, I want this!

From Our Parents

We make a difference in families we work with everyday.

The way the information is curated, connected, and presented so clearly – it’s just not something I could have pieced together on my own by doing internet searches. Being guided along, I really felt hand-held through this learning. It’s not just an article or book where you would read it and then forget it.


Honestly, I feel happier now and more connected with my child, and even my marriage is better! Monica has our long term and short term needs addressed as a parent. I always know that I’m supported by both Monica and my co-hort community. Every new parent should have this.​


As an over-preparer, I’m embarrassed to admit that my partner and I didn’t know where or how to begin preparing to raise our child. I am so thankful that I found this group parenting program to guide us. It gave me the one-stop space for all our parenting questions. I only wish I had it earlier.


After returning to work, finding time to look up parenting things was so hard but not doing it makes me feel like I’m letting down my kid. The program has been a lifesaver and a timesaver. It’s the bridge I needed to great information and guidance and we’re doing better now than ever.


Anxiety-free Parenting

Never worry if you know enough, or are doing enough.
Here are 2 ways we help you eliminate your fears.


Not more information, but the right information.
Never FOMO if you’re up on the latest to do with parenting.
We filter out the noise so you get research-backed, quality information that’s easy to understand.


Expert as your partner.
Whether you’ve got a small problem or persisting issues, never feel like you’re left to fix it alone again. Get expert coaching to apply the right information and say bye to frustration.

Hi there!

I’m Monica as a Parenting Educator, I see the same parenting challenges come up again and again. The pain spots and blind spots of parenting young children are so similar!

Here’s the problem: the average family have all these barriers to good information and guidance. There’s a doctor to take care of anything medical, but who takes care of your parenting? Well, for most of you, that’s Google. 

Even after hours of searching the internet, parents are still left to guess and hope things work out.

Without good information and guidance, I see dedicated parents make common mistakes that can be avoided in the first place.

This group parenting program gives you the information and know-how you need so you can parent with confidence and ease without having to guess or DIY this journey. I’ll take my years of studying and training in childhood development, early years education, RIE respectful parenting approach, and many many more early chilhdood theories and use it to bridge you to the parenting path you want to be on.

Parenting doesn’t have to be so hard. Join us and we’ll show you how.

Is The Nest
right for you?

YES! If you…

  • You are committed to be the parent you want to be, give your child the best support, and want a strong, connected relationship with your kid.
  • You are ready to show up and believe that parenting is a practice. You know it takes time to build habits to get to your long term goals.

Pass if you…

  • You are not ready to give up on mainstream narratives and tactics that are harmful to children’s well-being and the parent-child relationship.
  • You are not open to reflect and grow to make transformative changes in your parenting, and quite possibly your life.

Here’s Your Opportunity

✔️ To avoid mistakes that most well-intention parents make that lead to frustration, burnout, and unnecessary strain on your family.

✔️ Get to what you want faster & easier now instead of having to fix bad habits and correct course later

✔️ To leave the guesswork and DIY-ing behind and finally feel good and confident about the parenting decisions you make

Sign Me Up!

Stop looking around for the responsible adults in the room to make a decision.

The decision is yours.

This is your choice: to continue trial and error parenting and hope it lands somewhere you want to go…

OR you can take this option now and give you and your family the best start you can. 

Your first step is to register here. Then we will send you the next steps in your email.

Frequently Asked Questions

How old does my child have to be for us to join?

We serve families with a child(ren) from birth to 8 years old. If you are expecting your first child or welcoming your second (third +) child, this membership will also benefit you!

How long is the program?

The first 3 months, you’ll be led each week to learn a part of the Parenting Manual. After which, we move to supporting your problems. The full duration of service is 12 months. This is so that families not only have time to go through the manual, but also allows enough time for parents to build up habits necessary to continue their intentional parenting approach for years to come.

How do I know if the benefit will help me?

Group parenting program is meant to help families who are looking for reliable and science-backed information and best practices – but only if they are willing to do the work. That means commiting to show up, learn, and contribute. Grass is greener where you water it. Together, we’ll get you the most lushious lawn.

I want this but gah... I don't know if I'll have the time!

Yes, you’re right! You have so little time as parents, I know! Let me break down the time commitment for you. Per month, you’ll spend:

~ 30 minutes going through the video and exercises. Longer if you want to repeat some of the key sections.

~ 15-30 minutes talking to your spouse or others in your family about your learning.

~ 30-60 minutes on group sessions hearing and connecting with other parents who are in the same space as you.

~ 30 minutes hanging out in the group chats, asking a question, offering a word of encouragement.

~ 20 minutes hanging out with Coach Monica 1:1 getting individual attention troubleshooting your problems.

Per month, you will spend ~2 to 3 hours growing, building habits, and setting yourself up to be a confident, calm, and knowledgeable parent. 

BUT WITHOUT this foundational work, most parents are spending hours

… Late-night Googling to troubleshoot tantrums, deal with defiance, fix bedtime refusal to sleep, find recipes so their child will eat vegetables, lists of products to make brushing teeth easier, ways to talk to children so they will listen, and SO much more.
… Disagreeing, arguing, or avoiding their spouse on how to best raise your child
… In frustration and power struggle with their kid to get them to do one of the thousands of things: get in the bath, leave the bath, stop screentime, go to daycare, learn their manners, eat the food, stop eating sweets, share with others… the list goes on.
… Mindlessly scrolling on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tiktok reading and watching (and FOMO-ing) parenting posts trying to find the pieces to the puzzle that can make it all easier when year after year parenting just seems to get harder.

How many hours is that? About 100 hours each month of hassle, headache, and heartache.

There is good news – you are here in this golden time where you can make parenting intentional, right from the start. You get to choose to spend 3-4 hours a month now to avoid wasting 100 hours of time and energy in the future. And because of that, you are also protecting your family and your relationships with each of them when you don’t have those daily conflicts and struggles.

Come in and let me give you back your time.

What if I wanted to stop this program before 12 months ends?

We make this no-brainer decision even easier for you with our cancel anytime within the first 60 days and get your full investment back. If ever families feel like it is not gelling, we dive deep to find out what the parent needs to get the most benefit with our group parenting program. We are very confident that this program gives transformative change to families. But if we can’t deliver on needs greater than the membership offers, we will stop the membership for the family and part ways at that time.

We also know that some families may hesitate commiting to something new, so the 60-days cancellation policy gives a peace of mind to those on the fence.

How will payment be made for the group program?

Full program fees is collected upon registration. Payment will be made through Paypal’s secure payment system. If this is an issue, please contact me directly and we can discuss how we can serve you.

Can my spouse also join on the same cohort?

Yes! Each registration is sharable between the caregivers of that family. If you have other children in the family who have different caregivers (your sister and her child, for example), then they require a separate registration. This is to ensure we can give tailored experiences and support each family to meet their unique needs. In order to do that, unique accounts are necessary so we can know each family.