children running along rope bridge in risky play

Respectful Discipline not only works, it will make it better. It will help you raise kids that want to behave.   

Thank you for joining me for my No More Time Outs: Unlocking Respectful Discipline Techniques that Actually Work!  I hope you got some tools you can use to truly resolve issues in your home.

As promised, sign up here to get your Triggers Masterlist to help you start going upstream and finding out what might be plaguing your child and causing their behaviours.

What I shared today is just the tip of the iceberg. I want each of you to know that it takes effort and courage to parent respectfully. I encourage you all to sit with the material and take small steps to changing how you think about discipline. At times, it will be challenging. It will be uncomfortable. And it will work – without scarificing your child or your relationship with your child. In fact, it will make it better.

If you’re ready to learn more and, more importantly, put theory into practice, with a community of parents, please watch out for information about my parenting membership in your email (first you need to sign up for the Triggers Masterlist!).  

– Monica, Imperfect Parent